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Two injured at Cardiff Winter Wonderland

Two women are said to be injured after being flung from popular ride at Cardiff's Winter Wonderland .

Witnesses have described the horrifying moment a ride is said to have malfunctioned, leaving one woman unconscious and another injured.

One witness, who was stood outside the ride at the time, said:

We were stood eating our food next to the Waltzers. We heard a loud bang come from the waltzers and as I looked I saw two ladies being dragged under the ride. One lady was flung into the railings and the other lady was laying on the ride floor close to us. She was conscious and as the ride was still going she tried to get up numerous times. I was shouting for her to lay down, keep your head and arms down and not to move. My children and I were emotional at this point as we were going to eat our food and go on the ride. The staff at winter wonderland came and stayed with the woman and asked us to leave.

Grey Dykes, who was also present during the incident, said:

What I witnessed was a horrible accident. At the time of it happening, me and my family were in this drink place stationed right next to it when we all heard two massive metal bangs almost. We all turned around and saw the one girl pushed against the metal railing of the ride, the ride didn’t immediately stop and took a couple minutes to actualy stop, however immediately after it was noticed which was practically instant the staff shouted over the radio that a paramedic was needed immediately. From there, staff crowded round the girl and the railing that was against her was detached and they started to check her to see if she was ok. From what i heard, she flung over her kart ride thing but i’m unsure on that part.
Witnessing the incident, even now hours later still has me shook, as we were walking back to the car to return home I was shaking and just felt horrified that not only something like that could happen but just not knowing if she was ok, not to mention that the incident made the whole atmosphere feel on edge in a way. I wasn’t there long enough to see if or when any ambulances arrived or not.

When asked about wether she would feel safe returning to the attraction in the future, Dykes stated:

I don’t think so no. As much as it was only the one area of the wonderland that was “responsible” the whole organisation behind whoever organised it should make sure that everything there is top standard and safe and checked for everyone as it should be.

The annual attraction opened just 11 days ago, with thousands expected to attend until its closure on January 8th.

Previous years have seen the safety of rides come into question, with multiple reports of injuries and lack of safety checks.

The condition of the women currently remains unknown.

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