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Bucha: Liberation reveals true scale of devastation

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

With the news that Bucha has been liberated, footage has circulated showing the true devastation caused across the city. WARNING: Some readers may find the following images and footage distressing.

Civilians were killed as they tried to flee.

Authorities believe that at least 300 civilians have been killed in Bucha alone.

A man is killed as he walks home from buying potatoes for his family.

More images show bodies of civilians killed by Russian forces.

Photos show the remains from a family who were executed by Russian troops, before their bodies set on fire.

Images are emerging showing the true scale of the torture civilians faced. This guy appears to have no eyes.

Images show the charred remains of civilian victims.

Women and girls were shot by Russian troops, before being run over by their tanks.

The remains of what we believe to be an animal.

Civilians found next to their burnt car.

A body buried in rubble.

Ukrainian soldier checks the body of a deceased civilian.

A woman was killed by shelling as she rode her bike.

Photo shows body of man found dead on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Photo shows funeral of young child .

More images released showing bodies of civilians, who were murdered in the liberated suburbs of Kyiv.

Video shows buildings destroyed.

Photo shows apartment where husband and wife were tortured for four days by soldiers, resulting in the death of the husband.

Stores have been looted and cars left riddled with bullet holes.

Photo shows damage to a building.

Video shows basement where Russian soldiers are believed to have stayed overnight in Bucha.

Video shows bodies of what are believed to be civilians.

Civilians, especially men, have been found with their hands tied behind their backs and gunshot wounds to their heads.

At least 20 civilian bodies were found on a single road.

Before and After

It is believed that all children and men between the ages of 16 and 60 have been executed.

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