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How many more ‘Sandy Hooks’ need to happen before gun laws change?

Once again, the world has been devastated by the horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas. 19 children are dead. 19 children who just wanted to learn, to grow, to explore. 19 children who didn’t make it out of their classroom.

The shooting comes 10 years after the infamous Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, which occurred on 14th December 2012. 26 people died that day, 20 of those were children. But what has changed since then? What measures have been put in place to ensure children make it home from school?

The reality is, not much. Shoppers are still going to grocery stores and being gunned down. Children are still attending school and not making it to the end of the lesson. People are still doing their daily commute and ending up dead.

Next time, it could be your child, your loved one, your friend. It could be you.

When will enough be enough?

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