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Russia invades Ukraine: Day 12 Live updates

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Since the beginning of the invasion, we have seen countless civilians die, we have seen ruthless shelling of hospitals, residential areas and green corridors. We have seen the unbelievable strength of the Ukrainian soldiers who have fought against Russian troops in what can only be known as a war. Follow live updates here, as Ukraine enter the 12th day since the invasion began.

9.54 p.m: Photo shows injured Swish journalist

A photo has emerged of an injured Swish journalist, who was left bleeding after being targeted by Russian military.

9.30 p.m: Footage shows huge blaze at oil depot in Chernyakhiv


Video shows Russian soldier dragged across floor and placed next to the bodies of two dead Russian soldiers.

9.11 p.m: PICTURED- Injured dog

8.30 p.m: Talks over

Peace talks between Russia and Ukraine have ended, with no significant improvement made.

8.28 p.m: MoD Update

8.27 p.m: Ukraine mayor killed

The mayor of Hostomel has been shot dead whilst distributing bread and medicines.

4.19 p.m: Talks begin

The third round of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine are underway.

4.18 p.m: MoD Update

4.07 p.m: Shelling continues.

Shelling has continued in Kyiv and Mariupol, despite humanitarian corridors promised by Russian military. This is the third attempt of the corridors that seems to have failed.

3.28 p.m: Ukraine delegations have arrived in Belarus to begin talks.

3.25 p.m: Ukraine death toll

Over 400 civilian deaths have been recorded in Ukraine, with the actual total expected to be much higher.


Photo shows young woman crouched beside lifeless body of man after missile strike in Kharkiv.

1.34 a.m: Footage recorded by BBC shows civilians fleeing gunfire

1.24 a.m: Russian Military step up missile strikes overnight

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