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Russia invades Ukraine: Day 2 Live Updates

As Ukraine enters day 2 of the Russian invasion, Zelenskyy has announced that a total of 137 Ukrainians have died on the first day of bloodshed. Follow the live updates on Putin’s callous attack here. (EET)

7:17 p.m: NATO deploying more troops in Eastern Europe

In a joint statement, the 30 NATO leaders said:

No one should be fooled by the Russian government‘s barrage of lies.

7:15 p.m: EE makes calls to Ukraine free

7:14 pm: Michael McFaul tweets the following

6:53 p.m: West of Mariupol under attack

West of Mariupol is under attack by thousands of naval forces.

6:49 p.m: Russian forces target ambulances

Reports are coming in that Russian forces are firing at ambulances in two different regions.

Russian forces have also opened fire in a psychriatric hospital.

6:45 p.m: Zelenskyy speaks in video conference

This might be the last time you see me alive

6:33 p.m: Russia restricts Facebook

Russia is partially blocking Facebook access in the country.

Pictured: People flee Kyiv

5:57 p.m: MoD release statement

5:17 p.m: Germany announce they will accept all civilians fleeing Ukraine

Photo: Unexploded Rocket case stuck on driveway

4:39 p.m: Total number of Russian vehicles destroyed

Ukraine have claimed that they have destroyed 80 Russian tanks, 516 armoured combat vehicles, 10 aircraft and 7 helicopters since the invasion began yesterday morning.

4:11 p.m: Outskirts of Mariupol attacked

Heavy barrages of artillery can be heard from the outskirts of Mariupol.

Ukrainian army is resisting the advance of Russian forces.

4:08 p.m: 3 children dead so far

4:07 p.m: Russia made limited progress today

Russia have made limited progress today, the UK MoD has said.

4:02 p.m: Kyiv under fire

Street battles are currently taking place in Kyiv, the capitol city of Ukraine. Missiles are targeting civillian houses.

3:53 p.m: Ukrainian military targeted by hackers

Belarusian hackers have targeted the Ukrainian military, cybersecurity officials reveal.

Photos show Ukrainian soldiers preparing to fight in Kharkiv.

3:20 p.m: Moldovan tanker hit

A Moldovan tanker has been hit by a missile near port of Odessa. Two crew members have been seriously injured.

3:10 p.m: 1,000 Russian soldiers killed since beginning of invasion

3:03 p.m: Zelenskyy calls for help

If you are in Europe and you have military experience and can't look at the indecisiveness of your politicians, then you can come to our country and defend Europe with us, where it's really important now.

3:03 p.m: Chernihiv blocked

Russia forces have blocked off the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv, Moscow’s defence ministry has said.

2:54 p.m: Myanmar release statement

2:48 p.m: Russia claims 200 Ukrainian troops killed in airfield attack

2:37 p.m: Russia has taken control of aerodrome near Kyiv, paratroops landed

2:37 p.m: Sirens blaring

Air raid sirens are blaring across Kyiv as Russian forces press closer to Ukraine capitol.

2:29 p.m: Kyiv enter defensive stage

Reports say there have been some movement in Kyiv, Russia’s main target. Kyiv’s mayor has announced that they have entered a defensive stage.

2:21 p.m: Ukraine’s security building under fire

Gunfire can be heard around Ukraine’s security building in Melitopol.

2:20 p.m: EU planning more sanctions

There EU are planning to impose further sanctions on Russia, officials have revealed.

2:16 p.m: Zelenskyy releases following statement

The invasion of Russia into Ukraine is not just an invasion, it's the beginning of the war against Europe. Against the unity of Europe. Against basic human rights in Europe. Against all rules of coexistence on the continent. Against the fact that European states refuse to divide borders by force.

2:03 p.m: People take cover in underground stations

People have been seen running towards underground stations in Kyiv, as Russian forces move towards taking the capitol.

1:54 p.m: ‘Nothing is off the table’ in terms of UK support

The UK Prime Minister’s official spokesperson has said ’nothing is off the table’ in terms of the support the UK will give to Ukraine.

For operational security reasons, I wouldn't comment on the time scale and the progress of deliveries, but we've talked about protective equipment, helmets body armour, as well as some of the defensive lethal aid that we provided in terms of anti-tank weaponry," he said.

We're working closely with Ukraine, and its neighbours, to support them and to support Ukrainians fleeing the country.

Latest Photos from Russian invasion on Ukraine

1:35 p.m: Ukraine President wants to sit down with Putin

President Zelenskyy has requested Putin returns to the negotiation table.

12:43 p.m: Ukraine in need of supplies

Reports have been received by Unicef of ’grave shortages’ in the country. Fuel, cash and medical supplies are needed.

12:29 p.m: Death toll rising

102 are injured and 25 civilians have been killed since the invasion began yesterday morning.

12:22 p.m: Kharkiv take cover

People living in Kharkiv have been told to take cover by the city’s mayor.

12:01 p.m: Russia denies attacks

Russia have denied launching a missile attack on Kyif.

11:40 a.m: Ukraine open to talk

It has been reported that Ukraine are willing to still speak to Russia, in the hopes to bring peace.

11:28 a.m: Russia imposes sanctions

Russia have created a packaged of retaliatory sanctions against the West. This comes after we saw many countries around the world impose their own sanctions against Russia.

11:16 a.m: Ukraine shell Russian City

Russia have claimed that Ukraine forces are shelling buildings in southern Belgorod. Seven residential buildings have allegedly been damaged in the attack.

11:05 a.m: Taliban release statement

10:58 a.m: Former EU President speaks

Donald Tusk tweeted:

In this war everything is real: Putin’s madness and cruelty, Ukrainian victims, bombs falling on Kyiv. Only your sanctions are pretended. Those EU government’s, which blocked tough decisions (i.a. Germany, Hungary, Italy) have disgraced themselves.

10:53 a.m: Plane down

Two cruise missiles and a plane are said to have been shot down, a presidential adviser in Ukraine claims.

10:41 a.m: Radiation levels rise at Chernobyl

Radiation levels are said to have risen in Chernobyl, after Russian troops took control of the area yesterday. The increase is so far said to be ‘insignificant’.

10:32 a.m: Russian plan revealed

Ukraine’s presidential advisor has warned that Russia plan to take control of the capitol city and kill President Zelenskyy.

10:12 a.m: Sumy under siege

Russian troops have cornered off all major cities in the Sumy region. Russian vehicles are now moving in towards Kyiv.

10:06 a.m: Boris speaks with Zelenskyy

UK Prime Minister has spoken with Zelenskyy this morning, sending ‘deep condolences’.

10:05 a.m: 2 Children dead

Two children have been killed after Russian forces attack 33 civillian sites.

9:43 a.m: Barack Obama releases statement

Former US President Barack Obama has realeased the following statement.

8:52 a.m: Deputy Defence Minister speaks

Ukraine’s Deputy Defence Minister has said that Russia is planning to move towards Kyiv today. It is thought they plan to take the Capitol city.

8:30 a.m: War Crimes to be investigated

The International Criminal Court is followinf the developments in Ukraine with ’invreasing concern’ and confurmed theh will investigate any crime againsg humanity or war crime commited.

8:02 a.m: ‘Today will be the hardest day’

A Ukrainian government advisor has warned the ‘Today will be the hardest day‘ as Russia set to take over Kyiv.

7:27 a.m: Airport hit

The city’s airport has been hit by a missile strike, The Mayor of Rivne has reported.

7:25 a.m: Sirens Sounding

Sirens are sounding across Lviv in Western Ukraine.

5:57 a.m: Ukrainian foreign ministry speaks

Dmytro Kuleba took to Twitter to say:

Horrific Russian rocket strikes on Kyiv. Last time our capital experienced anything like this was in 1941 when it was attacked by Nazi Germany. Ukraine defeated that evil and will defeat this one. Stop Putin. Isolate Russia. Severe all ties. Kick Russia out of everywhete.

5:41 a.m: Border Guards killed

Border Guards have been killed after a missile strike hit a Ukrainian border post in Zaporizhzhya.

5:23 a.m: Residential building fire

A nine-storey residential building is on fire after the downed Russian plane crashed into it. Casualties are currently unknown.

5:18 a.m: Ukraine fight back

Ukrainian forces have shot down a Russian aircraft over Kyiv. Additional weapons are being brought into Kyiv in response to explosions heard in capitol.

More footage shows city’s air defence at work as Russians launch early-hours attack

Footage shows attack on Kyiv

4:28 a.m: Explosions can be seen and heard

Kyiv is under attack, with live streams showing explosions in the distance.

4:07 a.m: No attacks so far after ‘reliable intelligence’ said attack imminent

No attacks have so far been seen in Kyiv tonight, after ’reliable intelligence’ said a 3am attack was imminent. Air raid sirens could be heard around the capitol, but it does not appear an attack has so far been made.

3:49 a.m: Australia and Japan issue further sanctions

Australia and Japan have issued further sanctions for Russia, including asset freezing and visa suspension on some Russian individuals.

3:28 a.m: MoD release statement

Satellite images show a before and after shot of a missile attack in Ukraine yesterday.

3:29 a.m: Sirens Sounding

Sirens are currently blairing across Ukraine, with an attack by Russian forces expected at any moment. 3:12 a.m: Biden tweets

The next few days, weeks, and months will be hard on the people of Ukraine. Putin has unleashed a great pain on them. But the Ukrainian people have known 30 years of independence — and they have shown that they will not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards.

2:07 a.m: Zelenskyy reassures country he has not fled.

I know there is much fake news including those as if I had left Kyiv. I remain in the capital with my people.

According to our information, the enemy has listed me as target number one, and my family – as target number two. They want to destroy the country politically, terminating the head of state.

Today, we all heard from Moscow that they want to talk in the end. They want to talk about Ukraine's neutral status. I am telling all our country's partners: right now, the fate of our state is being decided. I am asking them: Are you with us? They answer that they are. But they are not ready to take us into the alliance.

We are not afraid to talk about security guarantees for our country. Not afraid to talk about neutral status. But what will be our security guarantees? And what countries will provide them?

We must talk about the end of this invasion. We must talk about ceasefire. But right now, our country's fate depends fully on our military.

1:58 a.m: White House outraged at Chernobyl hostage situation

The White House has shared their outrage after credible sources have revealed the staff at Chernobyl nuclear plant have been taken hostage. The power plant was captured by Russian military yesterday, after a battle saw Ukranie lose the site.

1:44 a.m: Ukrainian President orders full military mobilisation

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ordered a full military mobilisation to counter the Russian invasion.

The Military‘s general staff have been tasked with determining the number of people eligible for service, along with the number of reservists and the order of the call-up.

The mobilisation will last for 90 days.

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