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Russia invades Ukraine: Day 5 Live Updates

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

It is day 5 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Both sides have suffered countless of losses since the war began on Thursday. Follow live updates here, as Ukraine prepare for Russian troops to attack the capitol city Kyiv. (EET)

11.14 p.m: Sirens sounding

Air raid Sirens are sounding in Kyiv as we speak.

4.14 p.m: WARNING- disturbing video

5.12 a.m: Belarus to join war within hours

Reports are coming in that Belarus will be joining the war within hours.

5.00 a.m: Missile hits residential building in Chernihiv

A missile has reportedly hit a residential building, according to Ukraine’s State Service of Special Communications. A fire has broken out on the two lower floors of the building.

4.46 a.m: Kyiv under attack

Reports are coming in that Kyiv and Kharkiv are under attack. Blasts and gunfire have been heard. The night had been relatively quiet for a few hours.

4.16 a.m: Belarus on route to join war

Fighters from Belarus are en route towards Ukraine, Ukraine’s State Special Communications Service has announced.

2.28 a.m: TW- Graphic image.

1.14 a.m:

1.07 a.m: Have your say about the ongoing Russian of Ukraine here

12.00 a.m: Sirens and bombing in or near Kyiv

Just moments ago, air raid sirens began sounding in or around Kyiv, with bombing heard seconds beforehand. This comes after a huge explosion in Ukraine, with shockwaves reportedly following.

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