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Russia invades Ukraine: How the UK public feel about the war

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Here at Exposè Global, we have asked some questions to members of the UK public regarding the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

One woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said:

I think his (Putin’s) next move is to back down under pretence of a "successful agreement" so he can save face, because I think he doesn't have the capabilities to win, but he didn't think it would get as far as him having to prove he has the weapons/army we always thought he had.

Also no I think we can do more, I know why we aren't but it doesn't stop me wanting to see us physically there helping the people on the streets.


With tensions around the world clearly rising as we sit and watch Ukraine fearlessly fight against Russian troops alone, David Walker shared his opinion. He said:

This isn’t a war, it’s an act of prolonged, fascist terror. It is happening because the world is allowing it to happen

I think the Ukrainians have shown bravery, strength and fortitude that none of us could ever imagine, but that will only go so far. Due to Putin’s arrogance, I don’t think he will back down. He will turn the screw to such an extent that the Ukrainians will finally break

We have done the bare minimum. I have never felt so ashamed. To see the general public making Molotov cocktails to defend themselves whilst the world sits in comfort and watches is totally and utterly unforgivable


Abigail Harriet commented:

I think Putin hasn't even begun to show what he's capable of, unfortunately i think he will win the war. In my opinion it's all about reforming the soviet Union.

I think it will escalate gradually until he wins the war, he doesn't want to go in all guns blazing and waste resources as he will of been expecting all the sanctions and will be wanting to limit the amount he spends on this war. He underestimated the Ukrainians but they need help ASAP to stand a chance. I don't think it will move past Ukraine into any NATO territory.

When asked about her opinion on whether or no the UK is doing enough, Abigail added: Most definitely not, Boris should be doing much more. I'm not too sure what he should be doing and that is the reason I'd never go for a job like his but he is doing the absolute minimum to make it seem like he cares.


Another woman, who also wishes to remain anonymous, commented:

I think the invasion is a disgrace to humanity. This kind of action and such disregard for life as displayed by Putin for not only Ukrainians but for his own soldiers should not be happening in the 21st century.

I foresee many more casualties and victims of war and A humanitarian refugee crisis in Europe as well as the needless devastation of a country and many of its resources. I feel as though this can only go two ways. Putin takes over the entire Ukraine and installs a government of his choosing plummeting Ukraine and it’s remaining citizens in to a darkness worse than the times of the Soviet Union for the foreseeable future. Or that Putin realises that he is fighting a losing battle after grossly underestimating the power of a United country, and backed in to a corner he decides to lash out and takes as much of the world out with him as he makes a last stand.

Either way, no one really wins. There are far too many casualties and there will be a long recovery but there will be a statue of President Zelinsky raised to honour his bravery against all odds, I just hope he lives to see it.

I also see a Russian revolution taking place as the general population will have to wake up and realise they have been fed a bunch of lies by the rich stealing from their very mouths for far too long

No I do not think we are doing enough. I think that the idea that the lives of people in countries within a NATO alliance are worth protecting with force but the lives of people whose countries have not signed a piece of paper aren’t quite frankly abhorrent. I feel as though we have enough weapons and resources to tackle Russia head on and this could have all been done and over within a few days. Yes there would be casualties but it would be over quickly - letting this conflict go on for so long already is taking its toll. We can not stand by and let Putin replicate Hitlers exact process and let Europe descent in to a long and drawn out war as I doubt Putin will stop with Ukraine.


With the general feel that a high portion of the UK public feel that the UK has not done enough to help Ukraine, another woman shared her opinion. She commented:

I think it's the work of a meglomaniac. Putin is power mad. It goes without saying I'm anti Putin

I think Kyiv will sadly fall as they're just outgunned by the Russians. O imagine rhetoric against Putin will be ramped up even further & would expect more sanctions

No. We could start by taking on Ukrainian refugees for a start. Ultimately I think boot will end up on the ground as I can't see Putin stopping with Ukraine

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