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Thank you, That Umbrella Guy, The DUI Guy and James from court

Credit where credit is due, we wouldn’t know a third of the stuff we do about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial if it wasn’t for three reporters who have dedicated their time to bringing the world the latest news, updates and jury information during the past few weeks.

Having taken twitter by storm, DUI Guy and James from court have gained a large following with their dialogue of what’s been happening inside of the court room- mostly their information about the juries reaction to the heart breaking evidence submitted by Johnny Depp of abuse he suffered at the hands of Amber Heard.

In a shocking twist of events, That Umbrella Guy even featured in the trial, with Elaine quoting his viral tweets during the testimony of Morgan Higby Knight.

We appreciate the hard-work and dedication in bringing to us the truth.

Their twitter profile information can be found below.

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Moxie Roxie

And @IanRunkle Runkle of the Bailey was sharing his in-court impressions as well. As well as @LumberLaw Law and Lumber, who has lawyered in that very courtroom with the very judge. Thanks to these 4 “field correspondents!”

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